New Buffalo Sabres General Manager Tim Murray is a man of few words. Murray explained that to Pat LaFontaine in his first interview with the the Sabres President and basically told him that if he wasn’t okay with that he should move on. LaFontaine obviously was okay with that.

Murray’s short and sweet approach to dialogue is the opposite of former GM Darcy Regier. Regier is a very well spoken individual who would logically explain almost any answer to a question. Murray also said he is aggressive and not afraid to make a mistake when it comes to trades or player moves. Darcy Regier on the other hand was very careful not to get fleeced in a trade and was maddeningly methodical. Time will tell what approach will best serve the Sabres.

Tim Murray made the rounds on WGR, the Sabres flagship radio station Thursday and Friday and immediately came across as a no BS guy. Honestly, knowing Pat LaFontaine, their styles are very different.

Pat is well spoken and always comes across as very genuine and caring. Murray doesn’t sound like a bad guy, but he doesn’t seem very concerned about the truth sounding harsh.

Murray said that he told LaFontaine “don’t expect a hug in the morning and me bringing in coffee for everyone, that’s not me.” If Murray brings in players who can score and puts Buffalo back in the playoffs no one will care if stops at Tim Horton’s before he walks in the office.


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