DON’T GET ME STARTED advises one and all to quit complaining and accept what you have and hope and pray that the future will be better.

There’s no sense coming down on Darcy Regier or Pegula.  All has been said and written about it so accept the certain suffering you will have in the next couple of years.  All the suggestions for change have also been made and delivered so there’s no need to go over and rehash any of that stuff.

Certainly I have been the big complainer over the plight of the Sabres but now have decided that all it does is increase the frustration I have with the team.  As for Darcy Regier – he’s here and accept the fact that unless there’s some drastic moves, he’s in the chair for the duration of the suffering and the re-building.

As for Terry Pegula.  Get off his case,  I’ve even taken a big turn from his comments that we’ll have a Stanley Cup in 3 years.  I have now realized that I don’t recall him saying in the “next 3 years.”  I assume that it will be 3-year cycles.  It might come in the 2nd three years of his ownership or in the 3rd three-year cycle after that.

So my focus on frustrations will see how University of Buffalo’s football team will march forward – or its men and women’s basketball team.

In the meantime – no more complaining about the Sabres – accept them for what they are and then start the clock running as to which team will reach the playoffs first – the Ssbres or Buffalo Bills.  Right now it seems the Bills are a little ahead in the rebuilding of both teams on Don’t Get Me Started.

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