Buffalo Bills Head Coach Rex Ryan
Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Opening Statement

So I am not doing media today which is a real blessing for me. Obviously I know you have (questions), we brought Matt Cassel back, all that kind of stuff. We said all along we like our three quarterbacks which is obvious. For your depth chart purposes Matt will be two, EJ [Manuel] will be three, but that means…. As I have said from day one we like all three of the guys and we never want to lose anybody obviously. So that is why we made the decision we did. I know you guys are going to talk with the coordinators and all that stuff today, but I just wanted you guys to know that.

Q:  The fact that he provides veteran experience, how important was that in your decision?
A: Well what was important to me is the entire room. Those three guys, I mean they work in concert with each other that is important I think, in all those types of things. They push each other, yet they are there for each other, they watch tape together. It is really a unique deal because sometimes when you get competition, especially three guys going, sometimes it is not always like that. But here it is kind of a unique deal and you know what we said, as we mentioned day one we like all three and we kept all three.

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