DON’T GET ME STARTED had me snickering all over my computer when I read that the NFL is going to experiment with the NFL Pro Bowl game Sunday. First of all, the Pro Bowl is just as much a joke as is the NHL’s All Star game. These “contests” bear no resemblance to the regular season and playoff games.

Art Wander
The NFL will now have the teams go for the extra point from 33 yards, rather than the current length with the ball being placed at the 2. Now it will be placed at the 15 on extra points.
You want more snickering. The NFL will reduce the width of the goal posts on extra points Sunday from around 18 feet to 4 feet narrower – or (as I figure) to 14 feet. When I read this, the first word that came to mind was “stupid”
Why in the world can Goodell concoct this tripe? Bettman never came from football so his experimenting over the last couple of decades may be given a slight pass.
Frankly, moving the game from Hawaii is OK, but Goodell doing away with the Conference vs. Conference game that’s been played for decades didn’t sit well with fans. He scrapped it in favor of a couple of former players taking turns picking their teams from players who were voted into the Pro Bowl. It’s a pickup game just like in early childhood. What it means is that players from the same team can oppose each other in the Pro Bowl.
When you…….hold it……If you watch the game Sunday, you’ll be baffled by how different it is from the regular NFL game. You see what happens in the NHL……roll up the score
Oh well…I could go on and on but for me this no-rating-generator stuff will have me watching a college basketball game – or a TCM movie……anything but this exhibition on Don’t Get Me Started.
Filed under: Local Headlines
Tagged with: Gary Bettman, NFL, NHL, Probowl, Roger Goodell
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