All Sports WNY has learned that Jim Kelly has come through today’s surgery “better than expected” and is recovering well at this time.

ECMC’s Thom R. Loree, clinical director of the Head and Neck Surgery Department, and Dr. Maureen Sullivan and Dr. Mark S. Burke released the following statement:

“At Mr. Kelly’s request, we thank everyone for their concern and well wishes for him and his family. Today, Mr. Kelly underwent a partial maxillectomy to remove a squamous cell carcinoma of the upper gingival caused by chronic irritation at the gum site.  He underwent reconstruction with a dental obturator. The surgery went very well.

“We are hopeful for and anticipate a speedy recovery and successful outcome.

“Mr. Kelly is recovering comfortably at this time. He is in the capable care of the great nurses and staff here at ECMC. He will remain here at the hospital until he feels comfortable to go home.”

Kelly announced on Monday, June 3rd, that he was diagnosed with Squamous-cell carcinoma in the upper jaw and surgery would be required to remove it. Reports are that the cancer has not spread to Jim’s lymph nodes or other areas of his body. Further treatment will be decided after the results of today’s surgery is fully known.

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